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CAA Full Form
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CAA Full Form – Citizenship Amendment Act

CAA Full Form – The full form of CAA stands for the Citizenship Amendment Act. This legislation was initially introduced in Lok Sabha on July 19th, 2016, as an amendment to the Citizenship Act of 1955. It aims to provide Indian citizenship to illegal migrants from specific religions, including Hindus, Jains, Christians, Parsis, Buddhists, and Sikhs, from neighboring countries like Afghanistan, Pakistan, and Bangladesh, who entered India on or before December 31st, 2014. The bill was passed in Lok Sabha on January 8th, 2019, and later in Rajya Sabha on December 11th, 2019. However, it has faced criticism for being perceived as discriminatory based on religion, leading to widespread protests such as the CAA Protests, CAB Protests, and CAA and NRC Protests.

Difference between CAA and NRC

The CAA is distinct from the National Register of Citizens (NRC), as the NRC is an official record of Indian citizens, primarily applicable to Assam at present, while the CAA pertains to granting citizenship to certain illegal migrants regardless of their religion across the entire country.

Issues with CAA

Critiques of the CAA include its exclusion of Jews and atheists, its failure to address illegal migrants from other neighboring countries like Nepal, Bhutan, and Myanmar, ambiguity regarding the chosen time frame, and the perceived focus on religious persecution by omitting Muslims from the list of eligible religions.

In conclusion, the CAA seeks to amend the definition of illegal migrants under the Citizenship Act of 1955, focusing on specific persecuted religious minorities. However, its exclusion of Muslims from the list of eligible religions has sparked controversy and protests.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs):

Q. Which states are excluded from the provisions of the CAA?

A. Tribal areas of Assam, Meghalaya, and Tripura are exempt from the provisions of the CAA.

Q. Who does the CAA deliberately overlook?

A. The CAA excludes certain groups such as Rohingyas from Myanmar, Baluchis, Ahmadiyyas from Pakistan, and Tamils from Sri Lanka.

Q. In which states is the CAA not applicable?

A. The CAA is not applicable in Inner Line Permit states, which include Nagaland, Mizoram, and Arunachal Pradesh.

Q. Is there a connection between the NRC and CAA?

A. No, there is no linkage between the NRC and CAA.

Q. Does the CAA impact the Indian citizenship of individuals belonging to the Muslim religion?

A. No, the CAA does not affect the Indian citizenship of individuals belonging to any religion, including Muslims, Hindus, etc.


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